Event: 1960.05.03 Bola oficiálne založená farnosť sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri
From history of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church
Archbishop William Duke created the St. Michael’s parish in 1934. With a donation of $559 from the estate of Jane M. Corcoran and a great deal of volunteer work by parishioners, a church was built on Braid Street (8th Avenue). Work began June 15, 1934, and midnight Mass (at Christmas?) was celebrated in the building the same year.
A very short history of the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Parish in New Westminster
Archbishop William Duke created the St. Michael’s parish in 1934. With a donation of $559 from the estate of Jane M. Corcoran and a great deal of volunteer work by parishioners, a church was built on Braid Street (8th Avenue). Work began June 15, 1934, and midnight Mass (at Christmas?)
Pozvánka do spolupráce pri príprave Pamätnice k 60. výročiu založenia farnosti sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri
Farnosť sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Ne Westminsterioslavuje tento rok (2020) 60 rokov od svojho založenia. Pripravujeme elektronickú (a možno aj tlačenú) verziu Pamätnice k tomuto veľkému výročiu. Pozývam vás do spolupráce. Toto je zamýšľaná štruktúra obsahu Pamätnice. Predslovy Úvod Obdobie pred založením slovenskej farnosti v New Westminster Slovenská farnosť
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church
Archbishop William Duke created the St. Michael’s parish in 1934. With a donation of $559 from the estate of Jane M. Corcoran and a great deal of volunteer work by parishioners, a church was built on Braid Street (8th Avenue). Work began June 15, 1934, and midnight Mass (at Christmas?)