Slovakia and Chinese New Year

This article has 2 parts  photo pictures  videos Celebration of the Chinese New Year in 2019 consists of 3 phases: Little Year (Jan 2th – Feb 4th): Preparations for the new year  Spring Festival (Feb 5th – Feb 15th): Main Chinese New Year celebration Lantern Festival (Feb 16th – Feb 19th): Preparations begin the

My country by Timotej Oravec

I am here today to tell you a few interesting things about the country that I come from. My country is very young. Actually, my country is 2 year younger than me! It was made on January 1, 1993. My country is in the middle of Europe. Poland is above

North Ridge of Mt Baker

Slovak summary Andrej Doboš pravidelne prispieva do rubriky “Prekrásna Britská Kolumbia”. V predchádzajúcich troch číslach opísal svoje zážitky z vysokohorskej turistiky a lezeckých výstupov. Dnešný príspevok je odlišný. Mount Baker je nečinná sopka, ktorá nie je v Britskej Kolumbii. Je hneď za hranicou, v USA, v štáte Washington. Dominuje však medzi kopcami

Fishing and the Law – Alaska Style

Canadians who have had the experience of crossing into U.S. territory sometimes receive the impression that American customs and law enforcement officers can be bullies. Possibly. But there are always exceptions. In 1994 my husband Mike, son Tom and I were vacationing in Alaska. We camped near the town of


“I expect to pass through life but once.  If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” William Penn It was the

I, as a member of the Slovak Diaspora and my vision

Slovenskú verziu tohoto článku si môžete prečítať tu. When I was in my mommy‘s belly, Mr. Vrba, the baker who had a bakery on Zafortna Street in Bánovce, served both, the partisans from Uhrovec (fighting agains Germans) and the German soldiers from Trencin as well. Partisans came to take bread

Slovak Diaspora

The Slovak diaspora refers to both historical and present emigration from Slovakia, as well as from the former Czechoslovakia. The country with the largest number of Slovaks living abroad is the United States of America.