1878-1996 Úryvky z The Canadian Encyclopedia

Slovaks The first known Slovak immigrant to Canada was Joseph Bellon, who landed in 1878 in Toronto and started a wireworks factory. There are no exact statistics on the number of Canadians of Slovak origin. According to the 1981 census, the first to ask the question of ethnic origin, some 40 000 Canadians declared it as Slovak; in the 1996 census, the number

Pozvánka do spolupráce pri príprave Pamätnice k 60. výročiu založenia farnosti sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri

Farnosť sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Ne Westminsterioslavuje tento rok (2020) 60 rokov od svojho založenia. Pripravujeme elektronickú (a možno aj tlačenú) verziu Pamätnice k tomuto veľkému výročiu. Pozývam vás do spolupráce. Toto je zamýšľaná štruktúra obsahu Pamätnice. Predslovy Úvod Obdobie pred založením slovenskej farnosti v New Westminster Slovenská farnosť

Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church

Archbishop William Duke created the St. Michael’s parish in 1934. With a donation of $559 from the estate of Jane M. Corcoran and a great deal of volunteer work by parishioners, a church was built on Braid Street (8th Avenue). Work began June 15, 1934, and midnight Mass (at Christmas?)

My country by Timotej Oravec

I am here today to tell you a few interesting things about the country that I come from. My country is very young. Actually, my country is 2 year younger than me! It was made on January 1, 1993. My country is in the middle of Europe. Poland is above