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Year | Live births Boys | Live births Girls | Total births | Population of Men | Population of Women | Total population |
1971 | 7,152 | 6,602 | 13,754 | 184,700 | 185,300 | 370,000 |
1975 | 5,026 | 5,005 | 10,031 | 179,700 | 180,300 | 360,000 |
1976 | 5,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 | 185,000 | 185,000 | 370,000 |
1977 | 5,663 | 5,436 | 11,099 | 184,700 | 185,300 | 370,000 |
1978 | 5,475 | 5,198 | 10,673 | 186,700 | 187,300 | 374,000 |
1979 | 5,420 | 5,166 | 10,586 | 174,600 | 175,400 | 350,000 |
1980 | 5,114 | 4,730 | 9,844 | 168,200 | 181,800 | 350,000 |
1981 | 5,139 | 4,956 | 10,095 | 168,400 | 181,600 | 350,000 |
1982 | 5,677 | 5,528 | 11,205 | 176,600 | 183,500 | 360,100 |
1984 | 5,820 | 5,681 | 11,501 | 183,400 | 187,200 | 370,600 |
1985 | 5,782 | 5,921 | 11,703 | 185,700 | 189,600 | 375,300 |
1990 | 4,868 | 4,677 | 9,545 | 198,000 | 202,000 | 400,000 |