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Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Year | Live births Boys | Live births Girls | Total births | Population of Men | Population of Women | Total population |
2016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40,498,442 | 39,427,828 | 79,926,270 |
1983 | 268,970 | 262,696 | 531,666 | 5,757,300 | 5,211,500 | 10,968,800 |
1985 | 266,068 | 260,032 | 526,100 | 6,346,500 | 5,732,600 | 12,079,100 |
1987 | 219,332 | 216,762 | 436,094 | 7,257,900 | 6,559,700 | 13,817,600 |