From history of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church

Archbishop William Duke created the St. Michael’s parish in 1934. With a donation of $559 from the estate of Jane M. Corcoran and a great deal of volunteer work by parishioners, a church was built on Braid Street (8th Avenue). Work began June 15, 1934, and midnight Mass (at Christmas?) was celebrated in the building the same year. It was blessed by Archbishop Duke on June 30, 1935.

A new hall was built in 1941 and a new rectory started to be built.

The church was sold for $45,000 to a Slovak community in 1960 and a new parish – Sts Cyril and Methodius – was established by Archbishop Duke on May 3, 1960 as a Mission for Slovak people.

For the first 40 years the parish was served for by the Jesuit order.

Patrí do kapitoly Pamätnice 60:

(20 Stručná chronológia farnosti)

Zdroj pre ďalšie kapitoly Pamätnice 60:

(03 Obdobie pred založením slovenskej farnosti v New Westminster) (14 Historia kostola - prehlad stavebných úprav, úprav vnútrajšku) (17 Činnosť jezuitov v Kanade) (20 Stručná chronológia farnosti)

Dátumy v Pamätnici 60:

(1934.06.15 začala stavba kostola s. Michala, ktorý sa stal kostolom sv Cyrila a Metoda) (1935.06.30 bol vysvätený kostol sv. Michala, ktorý sa stal kostolom sv Cyrila a Metoda) (1941.00.00 postavená hala a začiatok stavby fary kostola sv.Michala) (1960.05.03 Archbishop Duke zriadil slovenskú misiu v New Westminsteri)

iSlovak Communities:

(Sts. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Church in New Westminster)


(Slovenské misie) (Útržky z histórie Slovákov v zahraničí)


(1934) (1935) (1941) (1960)


(archbishop) (Corcoran Jane M.) (Duke) (Jane M.) (William)

Community, organization or company:

(Farnosť sv. Cyrila a metoda v New Westminster) (Jezuiti) (Slováci) (Slovenská diaspóra) (St. Michael parish in Burnaby) (Sts. Cyril and Methodius parish in New Westminster)


(1934.06.15 začala sa stavba kostola ktorý sa stal kostolom sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri) (1941 postavená hala kostola sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri) (1960 Založenie farnosti sv.Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminster) (1960.05.03 Bola oficiálne založená farnosť sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri)

Geo Area:

(British Columbia) (Canada) (New Westminster) (North America)



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